Tuesday 18 November 2008

When Technology bites you in the arse...read to it

What a crappy weeks its been so far. Or should I say crappy two days.

I had to carry the world's heaviest pc from home to the office yesterday. Yes, they don’t give out laptops for home use where I work, they give you a desktop, and if you're nitpicky like me and want one that actually works, then you need to bring it in to get it replaced. I realise now that I'm not strong like superman, cause my hands and, well, all of me has been aching like hell after that. I had to hold the cig with two hands yesterday so it could make it all the way to my lips - that’s how bad it was.

And then, if that Monday morning fun wasn’t enough, my pc at work crashed in the afternoon- meaning I have to wait for the worlds best IT team to now take the one week they require to retrieve all my data while I work on the 1960's model they've provided me for now.

And then this morning, my phone decided it didn’t want to display any information any more. I can take calls, but that’s pretty much it cause I can't see jack of what I'm doing with the blessed thing. If Nokia charge me a bomb to repair it, i'm just gonna get a new phone. Oh, wait. Cannot afford a new phone till the 24th - in the last 21 days, i've spent as much money as i usually spend in 3+ months.

Since they're not giving me any interesting work or a working computer to use, and i can't while away the time making phone calls to people who are similarly useless, I've decided I'm going to do the only thing I can. Read my novels at work.
Right now I'm on page 65 of Eat, Pray, Love and by the end of the week, it should be over. (well, I cant just keep reading all the time, a girls gotta pretend to work as well)

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