Wednesday 20 August 2008

This is what i get paid to do at work...AND.. Word of the week

My word for this week is "Quick".. like Quick lunch, or quick nap or quick bite..Its a huge challenge cause nothing that i do is quick.. Quick is not a word that has or can ever be associated with me.. but the Gods (me) have spoken and QUICK is the word of this week

Also, while on the quick topic - here is a short snippet of how i spend my valuable time at work.. i guess the company doesn't know they're paying me for my time spent at these conversations.

Mala [11:04 AM]:
where are we having lunch?

Killemall [11:04 AM]:
I need to have a quick lunch today

Mala [11:04 AM]:

Killemall [11:04 AM]:
btw, in case you didn't know
quick is my word for the week

Mala [11:04 AM]:

Killemall [11:04 AM]:
it was selected randomly among 40 other applicants for the position

Mala [11:05 AM]:
can we remove quick to replace it with long??

Killemall [11:05 AM]:
well, its not fair to QUICK then cause it fought tooth and nail to get where it did
but if you want long

then we'll have to do it on the sly without quick knowing

Mala [11:05 AM]:
i don't really think quick has teeth or nails...

Mala [11:06 AM]:
lets do that


Lateralus said...

I can't believe I'm going to say this... but it isn't wise to drink at 11 bloody AM!

K said...

i wasn't drinking!!! If you knew me as well as you say you do then you'd know that i don't need alcohol to get in these moods.. Someone has forgotten the Ents is it?

Lateralus said...

Fine... I guess I don't know you at all then :(