Sunday, 29 June 2008

How to have a great date and get your girl drunk?

Last week we went to Em by the River again.. there was a lovely Chinese couple at a table near us.. well, no, they weren't lovely.. funny and entertaining yes.. all we did that whole evening was look at their table and laugh... big lesson this was on how to have a great date and get your girl drunk at the same time while staying completely sober yourself.

Scene: couple are drinking wine, (also tea, water and some other drinks at the same time) The girl is talking..on and on... and the guy is barely trying to listen.
One minute later: they clink their wine glasses - The girl has a sip, the man wets his lips with wine and then has a HUGE sip of water..
30 secs later: same thing,. everytime they have a sip of wine, then clink glasses and he drinks more water than wine...
2 hrs later: She's left for the loo and he tops her drink with his own.
Man to waitress: "I want water!! MORE WATER !! "

Girl returns, same things goes on for another couple of hours...

Bloody hell!!! Do all guys do this?

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