Monday, 12 October 2009

Enjoys romance, fermentation, and long walks on the peach

Lets just call this one HEAL THE WORLD Mondays with a twist

So here goes - "The Office Dummies Guide to Fruit Flies", also know as "People shouldn't have to be told this stuff". After all, there might be a fly epidemic coming soon. (and if there is, you first heard it here folks):

"Lately, fruit flies are found in our office. They have made their way to the meeting rooms. It has been annoying with them flying around while the meetings are in progress. Fruit flies are also found at your desk when you left your fruits uneaten over a few days.

Fruit flies are found on leftover local bananas and grapes. These fruit flies feed and breed on overripe and fermenting fruits. Fruit flies can reproduce anywhere there is fermenting organic matter that stays consistently wet or moist. These flies develop from larvae, and fruit flies larva must have moist, fermenting matter in order to survive.

To eliminate the flies, local bananas will not be ordered and left over grapes will be cleared from fruit basket after 2 days. Staff are encouraged not to leave fruits on their desks over 2 days. Staff are responsible to clear away the fruits from their desks before going on leave or dispose overripe fruits from their desks.

Each of us has a duty for keep away flies from breeding in our office, including cockroaches. Keep food in containers with tight-fitting lids. Please do not allow food to be remained on the desks overnight, you are inviting insects to feed on them. Store and keep food away before you leave the office...but you need to cultivate good habit to keep the insects away."

Really. People shouldn't have to be told this.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

No can be superhero without snazzy outfit

Yes, Yes..Its HEAL THE WORLD Mondays again, where i point out bright ideas on how we can save this ole planet we hop up and down on, also better explained as  "pearls of wisdom from the workplace that people spout to show they care." People from my workplace.  Now you know why i'm the smartest pea in this pod.

The Question:
What is your contribution to environmental conservation?

The earth-shattering reply:
I try not to be "a slave to fashion". Don’t you think that is one of the ways to save our environment?

Yes, now discuss.

The philosophy of food..and smell

The story of the Curry Puff which was brought to be eaten but forgotten at the bottom of the bag..about what happens when your not as neat and tidy as your mother, who lives in another country and so cannot clean your house for you.. and the philosophical learnings from this highly scented event:

Mom:  What happened about the curry puff
Ms. Clean: It was smashed and molten like lava ...which has lost the will to be hot
Mom: yuck
Ms. Clean: heehee
Mom: i wasnt smelling
Ms. Clean: how can you smell ?
Mom: What?
Ms. Clean: You're so far can you smell?
Mom: it*. I meant It wasnt smelling?
Ms. Clean: Oh.  Oh well, I dunno. I had not washed the dishes also, so there were a lot of smells and it was hard to distinguish which smell was which
Mom: sheeeeeeeeeeeee (which for the uneducated, is a milder version of YUCK)
I hope u opened that new air freshner thing.
Ms. Clean: Why? Smell is good for the soul. It reminds you that your nose is still working
Mom: Nevermind

I think she's given up on me. I don't understand why