Monday, 29 June 2009

Ironing out our environmental dress at a time

Another HEAL THE WORLD Monday sagely advice snippet. This one is something i follow too...

Q: What is your contribution to environmental conservation?
A: When I wash my clothes I try not to wrinkle them too much so when they get dry there’s no need for me to iron them. This way, I am able to conserve electricity.


...Although in my case, its more a case of laziness.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Smoke-Free Time Travel for the best of causes

And once again, for HEAL THE WORLD Mondays, more pearls of wisdom

Q: Given an opportunity, which person in this world would you most like to meet and why?
A: My future teenage kids, because I want to make sure that I wouldn’t have made a mistake by bringing them into the world.

Q:What is your contribution to environmental conservation?
A: I don't smoke =)

Well, smoking does cause pollution. So not smoking must mean environmental conservation.
There go my brownie points.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The World this Week

Happening week this one was (or not)
Lemme see what i can remember:

Watched 3 new movies the past week
I really liked Terminator Salvation, which i completely did not expect to do. And might i just add that Sam Worthington aka Marcus Wright is really really really good looking. Lil Sis and me both agreed, for once.

The movie, although a lot of it was predictable, it was still good - despite Christian Bale's weird deep throat voice. It kinda maybe worked in Batman, (seeing as he was Batman and all) but doesn't work in every movie. Really. It doesn't.
Also watched the new Star Trek. I'm not sure if was supposed to be as funny as i found it. Eric Bana - good. The rest - just funny. I guess i expected more from it.
Angels and Demons - Whoever it was who decided to redo Tom Hanks hairstyle - Thank you!!!
I actually enjoyed this movie- and not having to see the ridiculous hairstyle he sported in the Da Vinci code made it a whole lot easier.
Ewan McGregor had a accent i can really get used to. Although, if he's been at the Vatican so long, you'd think the accent would go away a bit no?
I read the book ages ago, and couldnt remember how it ended. Think i'll read it again, i only remember that i liked it then.

I'm finally done with Charles and Keith shoes - and the straw that broke this camels back came when i bloody slipped and fell because the damn slippers had no purchase even on rough ground.

And then to give a good start to the week to come, i woke up yesterday morning and thought it was Sunday and was really really pissed off that my alarm rang. Had to stare at the damn phone for a whole minute to make sure it really did say Monday and wasn't playing games on me.
Not good. Not good at all.

Then my pao friend RR (this would make sense if you were Goan, but we'll save that for another wasted & mindless posting) added his two bit of Monday morning wisdom and in his strange but not-at-all fascinating me also gave me what he calls a compliment:
RR: You're perfectly demented in the right amounts already
There are right and wrong amounts, you ask? well, i did ask too, unfortunately.
RR: yeah - Wrong amounts are when women nag. Right amounts is when we can have a conversation about how screwed up it is to name your child Sheldon*
So there!! I am now officially demented in the right amounts.

And to complete this lovely posting, i'll just say how might happy i am go now get back to work and my 327 EMAILS MORE TO GO...Its a real pain when you let the work pile up and then do a count on the number of email you still have to read. Steven, if you're reading this posting, i DO NOT want to hear how you are on holiday for the next 2 weeks while I'm here counting down the end of days.
* I'm not entirely sure about the wisdom of sharing this, but it has something to do with the fact that Sheldon is not a good sex name to have. Umm, no, you don't really want to know. Maybe another day i'll share why screaming 'Ride me Sheldon' qualifies as a comedy show and a turn off and almost any other name would sound better. To all the Sheldons i know, really Sorry. No offense