Monday, 29 September 2008

So How's the Weather?

So you call up a 'close' relative who you haven't spoken to for like 5 months atleast.. and the first thing they say to you after "Hi" and "Oh... its been so long, i didn't recognise your voice" is (drum roll please)
"So, how is the weather in Singapore, is it raining?
Is it rainy season there? does it rain all the time?"

I need new relatives.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

So I'm Home already

Yippeeeeeeeeee.. which is all i can say at this moment

Friday, 26 September 2008

Dear John... How to make friends on Facebook

Hey K....,
how's school and everything going?
How's your week been?
xox,john ; D

This is the message i found in my inbox on Facebook
Now needless to say, i do not know any John D, and you'd think he would check before sending a message to random strangers (Or is this the new trend now ? hmmm)
I didn't find a lot of people with my name on Facebook, so he must be real daft to screw up like this.

Neway, i'm contemplating this reply:

Dear John
My week has been fantabulous (schoolkid lingo, getting into character now)
The fact that i'll be holidaying back home before you can finish properly singing 'November Rain' makes it an even better week
School was great, awesome i tell you. I stopped going some 9 years ago. They said i had to leave and join some college. Something about finishing my education and moving on.. i don't remember well now, but i think i was happy about leaving.

Everything else is going great too. I would be more specific except i haven't a clue in the world what you are referring to.

By the way, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?

PS: Did the "xox" in your mail mean something like hugs and kisses? Mama always told me never to talk to strangers, let alone share hugs or kisses.. and i'm already pushing that rule by sending you this mail, so....

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Something is very wrong with the world this week...

....My world that is
Other than the continuing financial crisis and investment banks rolling over sooner than you can say Bazoookaaa!!! (word for the week?)
(every one wants to join in before this goes outta fashion it seems)

Okie, to get back on other than the money matters and the mild powder being bad because the Chinese didn't know they were poisoning us (or did they?)... i sent out 35 e-mails at work yesterday (notice how i broke it in very subtly)
It would be the most productive day of my employment - not since my imprisonment in logistics where i had to work 25-hour days have i done this much of work without even realising it.
You can understand the enormity of this situation when you realise that most days i average at about 10 mails a day - OK, OK.. actually there are some days i send only 1 or 2 e-mails
So 35 is a whoppingly big number... this overshadows Lehman Brothers problems even...
As president of the lazy club (yes Lateralus, i made myself president while you were busy working) this is a serious issue which is turning my productivity Topsy-turvy (Topsy-turvy was runner up for word of the week)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAnnndddd just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than this... its been only 2 hours at work today and I've already sent 20 e-mails out already. At this rate, this is going to be an even more productive day than yesterday (Holy atomic pile, Batman!!!)
Don't worry Mom, I'm not over exerting myself or any fancy jazz like that.. in fact, i didn't even know what a day yesterday was until i came to work today.

But ..but... transitioning from being someone who comes late to work at 9:15 and is done for the day by 10:00 am, and spends the rest of the day with puzzles, facebook and novels (Yes, I've started reading novels at work... unashamedly... not online, but paperbacks.. One of the perks of being manager i call it..) to now being someone who doesn't even realise that I'm putting in so much work in a day they're likely to create a character for me on Heroes... well the transition has strangely not been realised by me at all. But. It will be rebelled against..
A "Change We Can Believe In" ?? I think not.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

New found love...Ray LaMontagne

If you haven't already.. you HAVE to listen to Ray LaMontagne.
This isn't my usual kinda music, but i am completely hooked.. hooked enough to go get all the albums
Amazing listening for any time of day no matter what mood i am in (not a lotta artists in the category of music that fits all my moods)

Listen to the newest song on the sidebar
Other amazing songs:

  • Trouble

  • Until the Sun turns black

  • Let it be me (Listen here)

  • Hold you in my arms

  • To love Somebody

  • ......

Can't wait for the new album "Gossip in the grain"

--update-- Click here for my review of Gossip in the Grain

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Drinking is healthy for lazy smokers

The Sydney Morning Herald is now among my favourite newspapers.
They had this very very interesting article to make my morning:

Drinking can be good for your heart. But you have to be a lazy smoker with an aversion to fruit and vegetables to reap the full benefits In possibly the most unfair medical finding this year, Britain's leading researcher on the link between health and behaviour, the Australian expatriate Michael Marmot, found that smokers with the worst diets and poorest exercise habits could consume as many as 14 standard drinks a week - the threshold of what is considered harmful under proposed Australian guidelines - and still lower their risk of having a heart attack, stroke or other form of cardiovascular disease.....

Unfair my arse... this calls for celebration !! Hic !!!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

The Nanny... Revisiting old times

Just saw an episode of "The Nanny"
Oh well, just watch

Specially the part from the 6th minute onwards...

Just another Manic Tuesday...

Ok, this is now officially one of those weird weeks that I just barely float through.
I took the wrong elevator to the office today and then unknowingly got off on the wrong floor. Then i decided to walk it to my floor only I walked in the wrong direction.. So instead of going down I went up.
Then realisation dawned upon me and I turned around and walked down.. And only then realised that I was on the correct elevator before I just hadn't pressed the button for the 10th floor

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how this Tuesday is going to be

Monday, 15 September 2008

Monday Morning Blues?

I am not someone who ever has Monday blues… not that I like coming to work everyday, but Monday is not given any special status in my book of life.. I don’t like waking up every morning, regardless of the day of the week (OK, OK, except Saturdays and Sundays when the day begins by 3 noon)
But this is one of those days that are just not getting over. I feel like I've been here at this desk a week at least - at a stretch
All I have to do today that should really matter is write up minutes of my meetings in Malaysia last week. But NO, I can't for the life of me be bothered to get it done with right now.. Which means I'll start at 5:20 and try and rush thru it so I can be out the door by 5:30. Oh well, its all about managing expectations - and I CANNOT be expected to care.

My only contribution to this day is the below "poem"
"I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere
but home in bed is where i want to be"
Which I might add, I think is worthy of the Whatsitcalled award that poets get. And Mr. D'souza, I do not like your comments on making me think!!!

Also, I found this on one of those sites on How to Beat the Monday Morning Blues (altho it is 3 in the afternoon here now)
"Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in feeling miserable on Monday morning. There are millions of folks out there feeling the same way."
No. comfort doesn't help. Although my bed might.

The Dark Phase of my life is over

Finally, I am over and done with this craze. The normal days are back again. Let me explain.
I HATE shopping. The whole idea of spending hour after hour into a million malls buying countless clothes - choosing, selecting.. Wondering whether those pants makes one look thin or like a turkey plumped for Thanksgiving, then wondering which of the 2 shirts look good cause 'well, Oh, I do like them both you know..I just cant make up my mind' !!!!
Phew !!! I dunno how people do this.

You need a shirt, you go into a store, pick one, buy it and walk out - 15 mins tops - that's all it should take. Can't decide between 2 - well then buy them both and leave everyone be. That salesperson doesn’t give a rats arse which one makes you look good as long as you buy something and get on with it.
This is usually how I used to shop. I've always hated the faster its over with, the better.

But then.. Things changed a bit when I went to Bangkok.. I'm not sure why or how but I think its was Mob mentality. Yes, yes, I am blaming this on other people. See, the girls who were with me were maniacs - at shopping that is.. They just picked everything in the store. Where a normal person would pick maybe 2 items of clothing in 10 mins, these women had picked 12.
It was like they were on a mission to take everything from Bangkok back home. So in this feeding frenzy, I got carried away a bit and bought quite a few things as well - things that I didn’t particularly need!!!
And its kinda continued from then onwards.. Buying things I may not want/need but for the fact that they look good or whatever.

But then Malaysia happened last week.
Yes, I did shop.. Bought a couple of things - all things I will be using. Mostly cause I was forced to go shopping. People I know from the Bangkok days apparently remembered my "like" for shopping and took me around to do the same in KL. I didn't know how to break it to them that I didn't want to, so I just went along with it…
But for the rest of the trip when I was by myself.. Didn’t buy anything (Something for the boyfriend, but this will be his first gift in a year I think, so it shouldn’t count)
Didn’t feel like buying - didn’t want to buy.. I just looked around.. Content with myself that THE DARK PHASE OF MY LIFE IF FINALLY OVER

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Of Travel and Birthdays

Off to Malaysia and since i'm not going to be there.. Happy Birthday Mr. Dsouza. Have a good one.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Eat less red meat to help the environment, UN climate expert says

People should eat less red meat if they want to help combat the effects of climate change, a leading United Nations expert said.
This made new yesterday morning.. and I found this article on the Telegraph site.
I don't intend to comment on this article.. but you need to go to the article and read the comments everyone else has posted there.. very very 'informative' if one can use that word.

Some excerpts:

"What would be even more useful for the planet is if he and other experts were to stop emitting carbon dioxide."

"So they have started on methane The will ban us farting next."

"Does praying in a kneeling/prostrate position affect climate change? "

"The eco-religions are putting us in danger by shifting focus from the real issue of our time... energy security. I for one, do not trust Russia one iota."

"I'd say, eat less vegetables because they give you so much more gas than meat or fish. The computer model used to "prove" climate change by man must be fantastic. Can it tell us about tomorrow,s weather?"

and then... this gem

"Bloody hopeless, most of you. Do you ever think beyond your own selfish wants? Why are you so quick to condemn a scientist who wants to improve the quality of life on earth? Well, go on then, hide your heads in the sand. Thick as bricks, you are. "

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Motley Crue are coming to Singapore

Yes, Mötley Crüe in Singapore.. not in some stuffy auditorium, but open air, a concert like it should be.
No, they're not top of my list of artists i like, but hey its not everyday that artists like this come to Singapore. Its only the Avril Lavigne and Pussycat Dolls that come here otherwise.

So Yes, Mötley Crüe are coming to Singapore and I am going... 16th October 2008.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Proof that the Real Estate and Property prices in Singapore are really high

Now you know property is really scarce in Singapore when you see something like this:

Me: So wassup. How are things?
Mr. Slim: Not too bad, but my boss is resigning.
Me: (dramatically) Oh!! How come
Mr. Slim: He found greener patches somewhere

Not pastures, no no. Not in SIN. They can only accommodate patches now