Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Traffic is a Killer - The Great Wildebeest Crossing

If you’ve ever travelled by road in Mumbai you would have experienced this for sure. You are in your car/cab/handcart and someone just darts by across the roads forcing brakes to be slammed upon and half your body hitting the windshield (Seatbelts seatbelts). I've always thought they did this because they knew that as a motorist you’d be in shit loads of more trouble for knocking them down that they ever could be. I doubt anyone’s ever been caught/fined for crossing a road in this country, and no matter who’s at fault, its usually always the motorist who gets beaten up (community activity)
If you’ve ever been at the lucky restaurant junction at Bandra, you know exactly what I mean. I swear people here wait for the traffic signals to turn green and cars start moving to realise that they have a sudden urge to be on the other side of the road. And by people I mean a minimum of 50 people. So one brave soldier starts inching ahead, unsure of whether he should be the leader, and then ten more join in and push him and themselves ahead, and lo and behold, its like the wildebeest crossing at the Serengeti plains. Needless to say all traffic has come to a halt (while the signal is still green) and beware any car that tries to move ahead.
I swear I get this manic desire to drive thru and intentionally hurt some people just to teach them a lesson, but higher intelligence warns me that the only one to learn any lesson at all will be me..

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