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Hopefully the last update here on Harry potter.. (for a while atleast)
So the book's finally out !! And what a book it was.. I absolutely loved it. My Sis has told me I should admit that I'm as crazed a fan as she is. It isn't fair, she says, for her to get all the attention on this blog, I'm the one writing it after all :O)
Thank god the book released on a Saturday, the weekend could never have been better... It had it all, everything I expected... All the months of speculation on whether Harry's gonna live or die, who else is gonna die - JK R , you did do a good job
Although I have to admit, the end was a bit like some rajnikanth movie... He dies and then comes back to life??!!
Yeah, ok, that’s the only way she could have done it - killed him and kept everyone happy - but seriously, it was a bit corny....
A bumbling fumbling Harry finally becomes the enlightened one at the end of the book when he's talking to Voldemort? I mean C'mon, how did he figure the part on who is the real owner of the Elder when he couldn’t before he died, and his talk with Dumbledore didn’t have that part bout Draco and stuff, although it was implied.
And how on earth did she kill off Fred, Tonks and Lupin without any explanation of how they died or who killed them?
Was up till 6 in the morning reading the book, and despite all I said above, it was worth it.. I liked the 19 yrs later.. Definitely made sure no one would continue the legacy of Harry Potter after that ending...
The book could have been longer though... Was hoping this would be the longest book in the series.
Brainwashed my sister into accepting the fact that I would read the book first (infact, I made her do a lot of chores for me before the book release, reminding her that it was the only way she would be able to read the book.. Hehehe, evil I am)
When we finally got the book though, I couldn’t take the look on her face... We started off reading it together, but she's so freaking slow I tell you, my goldfish can read faster than her. Considering that she's gonna read it atleast 50 times more, I thot she'd try and read a lil faster... In the end, I read it by myself and gave it to her later... Crazy Woman she is...
Yesterday was Daniel Radcliffe's my sis, who hasn’t gone to college since Saturday cause she's busy worshipping the book, finally leaves the house only to return with this huge cake that reads "Happy Birthday Daniel"
If I thought she was crazy before, I'm sure now that I underestimated her earlier...
So my darling sister in one of her bored moments at home sat at the PC and typed out random stuff...only i liked it so much and it made me laugh so much that i thought it only right to share here. It might only go to prove that the whole family is crazy, i'm not the odd one out-------------------------------------------------------------------Keep this receipt carefully .no refund will be given without it .revision of fees if any as per the decision of the university of Mumbai will be collected later
Warning: in case of bonding, soak in warm water /nail polish remover and slowly peel. If it gets into eyes or mouth, wash with plenty of water. Get prompt medical attention. Keep out of reach of children
Warning: in case of bonding, soak in warm water/ nail polish remover and slowly peel. If it gets into eye or mouth, wash with plenty of water. Get prompt medical attention. Keep out of reach of children
In the new world order there is a big controversial question. It being - what happens when the world get too hot to live in????????????? What happens to us???????? Most of us would rather ignore this question when confronted by it. In fact I’m sure that as you’re reading this you’re not really paying any attention
Right ???????????
Any way in case I have grabbed you’re attention then I might as well say what I have to… that global warming is on to us … its knocking on the door and every time we release smoke from our cars or cut down trees were just opening the door a little wider. Most of us think that it’s not me. I don’t do any of those things. I can’t do anything to stop this …………….and yet you know that you can. You’ve heard it a million times….. Over and over again. Plant more trees….. But then you think where in this congested city are we going to plant trees?????????? There’s no place to walk on the roads let alone plant trees. And you are not wrong in saying that…… it is true .you cant plant trees on the road. But you don’t live on the road do you?? You live in society so plant trees there.
Then even if you do plant trees you cant help asking –what difference is it going to make??? It’s just one tree. But what you don’t realize is that you’re not the only one planting a tree. There are a lot of people who ARE planting trees. You just join them. And since so many of you will be thinking the same thing, together you all will make a difference.
Well what are you waiting for … go plant you’re tree.. there’s probably some one else who’s reading this who is already half way through…… you don’t want to be left behind, do you????? Go go
If your wondering what the top half is all about, then let me explain. The thing is I’ve got this I.T. exam thing in which we gotta give half our exam on the net so basically I’m just practicing to type …….. and I guess I need to get a little faster. another thing that I need to learn is to look up and type …. Which is what I’m trying to do right now …… which I guess is also why I’m typing so slowly and why I’m making so many mistakes. ok I guess I really need to look up and type so that I can increase my speed . people usually go for classes for things like this ….. but I’m too stingy to bother spending on something so stupid when I can sit at home and learn. So that’s what I’m doing right now.
And then if you’re wondering what that load of crap after my practicing stuff is then let me tell you. It’s not that I think a lot about stuff like this its just that I didn’t really know what to type so I wrote that. Of course that’s also why I’m writing this.
Do you know that I just realized that I’ve written about a whole page on nothing in particular .just rubbish and then more rubbish… and then there’s the fact that I’m actually good at it ………………….hey!!! I’m actually GOOD at this(there’s a big smile on my face right now and I’m so glad no ones noticed cause they’ll think that I’ve lost it ……….. ofcourse there’s a good chance that they already think that I lost my nuts……… but still)anyway what was I saying ??????? oh yeah I’m good at this (big smile again). Ofcourse it not something I’m supposed to be proud of … but I still am……. Hmmmmmm now I’m out of crap to write. I guess I’m not so good at this .this month is going to be so nice for me 0-) .not only is the movie releasing but also the book . How cool is that, all in one month .oh I almost forgot , its also his birthday!!!!!!!!
The reality of it- though as much as I hate admitting it -is that I’m not going to be affected by any of it. Oh did I say ‘any’ I meant most of it. I am after all going to be seeing the movie first day first show. And then ill get the CD as soon as I can ,which is sooner than you think.
The book however I don’t think I’m going to get immediately. I might get the digital copy in about a month after the release. But the book ummm I’ll only get it after ………say 3 months.
What is it about this book that has made crazed maniac out of otherwise normal people (well, okay, myself included)
When the first Harry potter book came out, no one paid much attention, atleast not in Mumbai..and then slowly momentum built up, from one potter fan to another, the news spread and the sales grew
The interesting point was the books appeal to one and all - old and young. I know for sure that even my Mom was smitten by it, not to mention the rest of my very big extended family.
The very fact that Harry potter and the conclusion of the last book was the topic of a long and heated discussion at work with my friends who happen to be in 23+ just goes to show that this is one legacy that’s gonna stick around for a long long time.
Take my Sis for with everyone else, she claims to be the biggest Harry potter fan.
She's gone so far as to write the names of Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and the other actors on our tea flask (yes, tea flask)
Some people, when they have a nightmare or are unable to sleep, read the bible or some other holy book, or drink a glass of water, walk around in the bedroom a lil' and calm themselves and go back to sleep. But not my Sis. She reads Harry potter. Even if its for the 37th time and she has to do it in the loo, its never stopped her before.
I'm sure she can tell you what's on pg 15 of the first book, or what the name of the 3rd chapter of the 4th book is. Any Harry potter trivia and she's the queen of the game.
Every movie, serial, or any event that happens at home has to have a parallel with a HP book or movie. There's a collage on our wall on dear ole Harry. There aren't any family pics ( or any pics at all )..but there sure as hell is a huge collage on HP.
The movie's coming out on the 15th, obviously my darling sister is gonna watch the first show (at 10:00 in the morning that too).
Sigh, when the last movie came out in 2005 (or was it 2004?), she did the same thing and then this yr watched the same movie over again at home as an "anniversary celebration")
Its just getting too much I tell you... I can understand that at 17, one doesn't really have a brain in ones head :O) but this much of adulation over a bloody book.. I mean I can understand if she had a boyfriend and doted on him that much - atleast that’s 2 way... But this is a one sided thing, and you're spending loads of money and time on something that , well, just is. Daniel Radcliffe has no freaking idea my sis exists, so why the hell does she care
I'm not gonna fool myself that since this is the last book all this pottermania will die I think it will still be around for many yrs to come..and our children's children will be reading these like the Enid Blyton books around (now those books are really good)
At this point I must confess I'm a HP fan myself..but as u can see, its nothing I twist my knickers over... It’s a book !!! Okay, so I've read most of the books twice over, but that’s cause there wasn’t anything else to do.. See!!! I have my head on my shoulders, not up in the clouds... I'm sane... But my sis...
I'm dreading the next few weeks ahead... First the movie and then the book and then Mr. Radcliffe's birthday... July July. when will it end.