Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Monday morning blues

In a pretty uncoordinated state, so far, in Singapore. Wont blame the time lag, but I thinks its more the fact there's no one to keep a watch on my laziness and sleeping (or should I say waking) hours
Getting up just in time to hopefully make it for work means that all the jewellery, makeup and other things are usually dumped in the bag, so that I can do them in the cab on the way to work. I tie my shoes (buckle? What is the correct word?) Straighten my collar and the usual stuff that is needed to look decent that early in the morning in the cab. Only I think I forgot to wear one earring today, so I ended up going around work for half the day wearing one big earring loop - and the strangest thing, no one noticed..Sheesh

Monday, 29 October 2007

Live from Singapore…

My first week in Singapore over and done with, and I finally have the time to catch up on my blog and the rest of my life as it was in Bombay. So many things I wanna write about, trying not to make it a 100 pages long posting. Tis' will be the first of 104 weeks in Singapore.

First day was pretty good, received a warm welcome from my boss who took me n a friend around to introduce us to the city and stuff… for all those managers getting people from outside the city to their departments LEARN people !!! Most people can find their way around, but the gesture never goes unnoticed. As my friend Muna would have said – I have a (d)olly boss. Work has being good so far - the people are really nice, which obviously helps a lot.

But it’s my second week at work and I'm bored already… this seems like a lovely start to a long and unending two years of boredom and work… sigh. More work then boredom being where the problem lies.

Searching for houses now, lets see how that goes… I’m torn between a big house far away and a small house 5 mins away from the office. It’s a question of what will win – my laziness to travel or my love for that nice quiet house that a wee bit bigger.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: You're so unhip, its a wonder your bums don't fall off

The one liner that really tickled me recently, from my new favourite book - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy..read it NOW if you haven't already
"You're so unhip, its a wonder your bums don't fall off"
(I've been using this on my sister a lot lately, with hilarious results i might add)

Of Birthday gifts and Singapore life in October...

October is a month of change and good stuff

Was my birthday last week - quite a nice haul this year with the gifts from everyone....then again, i've spent shit loads on all the parties i had...but its been a fun birthday overall
Packing my bags for Singapore this weekend, for 2 years of hopeful fun and uselessness...i really do hope its uselessness, i'm getting quite used to doing things at work at my own pace and still getting thanked for it. Something tells me now is not the time to get back into working non stop in a hectic environment and enjoying the adrenaline, now is definitely not the time
I got a Cool now Tommy Hilfiger watch which i'm really happy bout (Specially the fact that i did not have to pay for it..tihihihi) Also got a pretty lil ring from my other half (will not call him my better half - i'm the sane one in our relationship) Things are going good indeed... Now if only i can prolong my stay here in Mumbai and move to Singapore next week instead of this week

Friday, 5 October 2007

First Sympathy Pregnancy...now Sympathy Sleep anyone?

A lil background first: The other day there was an article in the newspapers on soon-to-be fathers experiencing so called 'pregnancy symptoms' when their wives are pregnant. This newly discovered phenomenon has been labelled "Sympathy Pregnancy"

Now shift focus to my highly interesting family who interpret things exactly they the way that suits them.... My dear Pop hasn't slept for 30 hrs straight.
Enter my Sis and Me from a useless day at college n work, and we see the lights off and both fast asleep at 5 in the evening...Mom gets up when we come in, and explains that Dad was so damn tired he just went off to sleep... and i Quote here
"He hasn't slept since yesterday, he must be so tired....and then even i fell asleep, dunno even i was so tired... you know how they say men have sympathy pregnancy symptoms.. i think i was suffering from sympathy sleep. Even i fell fast asleep"

I rest my case.... It isn't me...it's them...